

E-mail : jinseuk56@gmail.com
ORCID : 0000-0002-9558-3469
GitHub Repository : https://github.com/jinseuk56


Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea
2017.03-2022.08 Combined MS/PhD
(Advisor: Prof. Miyoung Kim)

Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea

🔰Research Experience

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024.03-Present)
Funded by the InFUSE Prosperity partnership
electron Physical Science Imaging Centre (ePSIC)
Diamond Light Source, Harwell Campus, Didcot, United Kingdom

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2022.09-2024.02)
Research Institute of Advanced Materials, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea

🔰Teaching Experience

Workshop | Lecturer | Jul. 20. 2023 | Korean Society of Microscopy

  • 28th TEM Workshop, Jul. 18. 2023–Jul. 21. 2023, Korean Society of Microscopy
  • Lecture Title: Machine learning in TEM analysis: Basics and Applications
  • Delivered a lecture about applications of machine learning to TEM analysis

Workshop | Lecturer | Jul. 28. 2022–Jul. 29. 2022 | Korean Society of Microscopy

  • 27th TEM Workshop, Jul. 26. 2022–Jul. 29. 2022, Korean Society of Microscopy
  • Lecture Title: STEM-derived multi-dimensional data processing in Python-integrated GMS 3
  • Delivered a lecture and a practical session about data processing and analysis of multi-dimensional STEM data

Lecture | Lecturer | 2020 Fall Semester | Seoul National University

  • Lecture Title: Fundamentals of Computer Science (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
  • Delivered a lecture about the basics of Python programming to freshmen

🔰Industry Experience

Semiconductor Engineer (2015.07-2016.07)
SK Hynix (2091, Gyeongchung-daero, Bubal-eup, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea)
Process integration and wafer-level reliability test for NAND flash memory


(S)TEM Experiment/Analysis

  • Themis Z, Tecnai F20 (Thermo Fisher Scientific), JEM-2100F (Jeol)
  • Imaging (TEM/STEM/4D-STEM) & analytical techniques (EELS/EDS)
  • Analysis of structure-property relationship
    • Atomic structure & structural defect analysis
    • Amorphous structure analysis (RDF & FEM)
    • Electronic structure & quantitative chemical analysis
    • Tomographic reconstruction & visualization

Development of Computational Tools for (S)TEM Analysis

  • Programming (Python/DigitalMicrograph) for (S)TEM analysis
  • Application of machine learning algorithms to (S)TEM data analysis
    • Extraction of fundamental/hidden features from microscopy datasets
    • Deep learning, dimensionality reduction, cluster analysis, and their combinations
  • Data processing/analysis of STEM-derived multi-dimensional data
    • Electron tomography (feature extraction/tomographic reconstruction)
    • 4D-STEM data processing/analysis

🔰Research Interests

Data Science for Microscopy Analysis

  • Machine learning application to microscopic analysis

Development of Computational Methods for Post-processing of Microscopy Data

  • Enhancement of SNR for low-dose experiments
  • Correction of scanning artifacts

Investigation of 3D Structure-Property Relationships of Materials through Multi-dimensional STEM Techniques


First Author

(†: authors who equally contributed, *: corresponding author)

Contributed Paper

🔰Conference & Award

  • (Oral Presentation) Ryu, J., J. Jo, H. Kim, K. T. Nam, M. Kim*, “GPU-based fast reconstruction and DL-based feature extraction for EELS tomography”, The 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, South Korea (2023)
  • (Invited talk) Ryu, J. (on behalf of Prof. Miyoung Kim), G. Kim, S. Lee, M. Kim*, “Exploring ionic migration and structural evolution in dielectric devices”, The 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, South Korea (2023)
  • (Oral Presentation) Ryu, J., Lee, S. Kim, Y.-C. Joo, M. Kim*, “A comprehensive nanoscale characterization of amorphous carbon films through STEM-EELS and 4D-STEM”, The 20th International Microscopy Congress, Busan, South Korea (2023)
  • (Invited talk) Ryu, J., J. Jo, S. Lee, M. Kim, “Unsupervised learning strategies for extracting features from STEM-derived multi-dimensional data”, 2023 Korea Society of Microscopy Spring Conference, Daejeon, South Korea (2023)
  • (Poster presentation) Ryu, J., S. Lee, S. Kim, I. Yoo, Y.-C. Joo, M. Kim*, “A machine-learning approach to characterization of amorphous materials with EELS-SI and 4D-STEM”, 2022 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Hawaii, United States (2022)
  • (Poster presentation) Jo, J., K. MacArthur, J. Ryu, H. Kim, S. Collins, K. Müller-Caspary, K. Nam, M. Kim, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski*, “Three-dimensional characterization of nanoparticles with simultaneously acquired bright-field, dark-field, and secondary electron signals in STEM”, PICO 2021, Virtual Meeting (2021)
  • (Oral presentation) Ryu, J., Jo, J. Lee, M. Kim*, “Feature extraction and reconstruction of electron energy loss spectroscopy by non-negative matrix factorization”, Asia Pacific Microscopy Congress 12, Hyderabad, India (2020)
  • Excellence Prize, Best Paper Award, Seoul National University & Samsung Electronics R&DB Foundation, South Korea (2021)

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